about US |
SANA is a Public Charitable Trust registered on the 6th of June 2011 under the Registration Act, established to protect and empower the marginalized section of society, working particularly in rural and urban India. As part of its social responsibility, SANA is also committed to sensitizing communities and promoting non violence as a tool for conflict resolution. Towards this cause, SANA will organize seminars, conclaves along with fund raising events like music concerts, film premieres and media events to further its aims and objectives..
SANA is committed to charity that is real, charity, that uses our ability to leverage our position of influence and power, to change lives for the better. SANA will actively champion the rights of the disadvantaged and take up issues of public interest and provide legal redressal. It is not easy, more often than not, it is time consuming and frustrating, but at the end of it all, it is immensely rewarding.
Simple things that will work ...potable water, rainwater harvesting & eco friendly portable loos. SANA will engage in Private- Public partnerships to enable rural villages and urban slum clusters to get potable drinking water of WHO standards by designing and implementing solar powered micro ionizing water treatment plants. Working with both Indian and International organizations, we will bring hygiene practices and portable e-loos to villages and slums where sanitation facilities are still absent.
Creating opportunities, transforming lives...SANA will bring basic literacy programs as well as skill development training sessions using both traditional and digital means to the rural and urban disadvantaged.
We care, therefore we bring healthcare to those who live in remote locations, where healthcare facilities and systems are absent. ...SANA will work with the local governments and private hospitals to ensure that these healthcare services are brought to the villages or the nearest nodal area for the benefit of the population living in that zone
Using agricultural intervention & solar solutions ...SANA will assist marginalized farmers with small land holdings to introduce intervention programmes through sustainable and best agricultural practices which will benefit the stakeholders. SANA will leverage solar power to bring electricity through off grid projects into homes in rural India.
Get involved.Together we can share the responsibility and make a difference. |
 Sanchaita Gajapati Raju's work took her to Gulbarga in Karnataka, where she learnt first hand, up close, the advantages of intervention in agricultural methods in the grassroots. An alumnus of Vasant Valley School New Delhi, Sanchaita is a qualified lawyer by profession (L.L.B), with a media background, she is now putting her knowledge to work for the less fortunate. In the past, as executive producer, she has produced many award winning documentaries and corporate films for both the private sector as well as the Government of India.
 Uma Gajapati Raju stepped into charity work with the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation to bring the Lifeline Express, a hospital on wheels, to otherwise inaccessible tribal terrains of Andhra Pradesh. A well-known media personality & anchor, Uma has also represented Visakhapatnam as the youngest woman Member of Parliament, in the Lok Sabha .In appreciation of her social work, she was awarded Vice President of the Red Cross Society of Andhra Pradesh for Life. As a mentor, she will now work with Governments and Brands to build strategic fund raising programs for SANA.
Ramesh Sharma, among the country's most respected and activist film makers, has left the for profit world to code for a meaningful cause in SANA. His films have won him accolades the world over, including a nomination for 2 Emmy's for his film The Journalist and the Jihadi-the murder of Daniel Pearl. His films have been showcased in all major festivals of the world, including the London film festival, Tribecca, Cairo, Cannes, Melbourne, Durban, Florence, Stuttgart and Tashkent. Winner of six national awards from the President of India, he was the chairman of the jury of the national film awards Govt of India 2011-2012.He has been recognized recently by the Govt of Italy for his documentary on Tucci and bestowed with the Caviliere dell'Ordiine della StellaDella Solidarieta Italiana..